S70 LRV Coupler Parts and Repair Services

This request is to purchase replacement parts and repair services for the CATS Light Rail Vehicles Coupler System. Dellner Couplers Inc. was the supplier that manufactured and delivered the Light Rail Vehicle coupler components to Siemens under Contract #1. The equipment purchased against this Purchase Order is for spares required to repair or replace defective items and services to repair equipment. Parts must be interchangeable with the existing equipment.



CATS Bus Operations Motor Coach Industries OEM Parts

The Charlotte Area Transit System Bus Operations Division (CATS-BOD) is requesting bids for OEM parts for Motor Coach Industries (MCI) transit commuter coaches.   These parts will be purchased for the maintenance and service of 2001 Model D4000, 2016 Model D4500, and 2018 Model D4500 MCI commuter coaches.