Erwin Road and Byrum Drive Intelligent Transportation System Project

The Erwin Road ITS Project includes the installation of approximately 0.8 miles of fiber optic cable in new directionally bored conduit. This project also includes fiber optic cable splicing and testing. The project limits are Erwin Road and South Tryon Street to Erwin Road and Steele Creek Road in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC. The Byrum Drive ITS Project includes the installation of approximately 2.7 miles of fiber optic cable in new directionally bored and trenched conduit and aerial fiber attachments to wood utility poles. This project also includes fiber optic cable splicing and testing. The project limits are West Boulevard/Steel Creek Road/Byrum Drive along Byrum Drive to Yorkmont Road/Byrum Drive and along Yorkmont Road to West Boulevard/Yorkmont Road and along West Boulevard to Billy Graham Parkway in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC.

Mallard Creek Road Intelligent Transportation System Project

The Mallard Creek Road ITS Project includes the installation of approximately 0.65 miles of fiber optic cable in new directionally bored and trenched conduit and aerial attachments to wood utility poles. This project includes the installation of 1 owner furnished traffic management camera. This project also includes fiber splicing and testing. The project limits are from Medical Plaza to Governor Hunt Drive in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC.

Graham Street Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Project

This project will install approximately 2.5 miles of 72 count single-mode fiber optic cable installed in mostly existing conduit. There are also small portions of new directionally bored, hand-dug, and trenched conduit. This project includes entrances and communications equipment for six existing traffic signal control cabinets and the installation of seven traffic management cameras. The project limits are North Graham Street beginning at West Sugar Creek Road to Mallard Creek Road to West WT Harris Boulevard. This project includes fiber optic cable splicing, testing, Ethernet equipment communications, and traffic management cameras and equipment.

East Boulevard Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Project

This project will install approximately 1.53 miles of 36 count single‐mode fiber optic cable installed in new directionally bored, hand dug and trenched conduit, existing conduit and aerial attachments to poles. This project includes entrances and interconnect equipment for four existing traffic control cabinets and the installation of four traffic management cameras. The project limits are East Boulevard beginning at Queens Road West to Euclid Avenue. This project also includes fiber splicing, testing, Ethernet equipment communications, and traffic management cameras and equipment.

Cancelled – Hitachi Rail STS Inventory Spare Parts and Repair Service Contract

Light Rail Train Control and Signaling Systems. The parts that are being purchased under this contract are for replacement parts and inventory stock spares required to maintain the tracks signaling system, grade crossings and train control.

This was a sole source and should not have been entered in EarlyBird
