Micro Transit Dedicated Providers

The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is inviting proposals from qualified firm(s) to partner with CATS for the development and implementation of a new micro-transit service. The goal of micro-transit is to enhance CATS’ existing bus, light rail, and streetcar services. Micro-transit is also part of CATS’
larger goal of building a more reliable, connected, and accessible transit network for the greater Charlotte area.

PSR # 1566

Transit Management Services

The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS), a department of the City of Charlotte, is seeking a qualified Contractor to provide professional transit management services for the Bus Operations Division (BOD). CATS is seeking a partner to operate and maintain its Fixed Route Bus and Maintenance Services. Service Provider will provide all personnel necessary to perform the Services and all other goods and ancillary services needed to deliver the Services. The ideal partner will be service-oriented and aggressively focused on ensuring the best possible experience for our customers through collaboration and data-driven continuous improvement processes.


PSR # 1363

Microtransit Dedicated Providers Cancelled

Contract multiple turnkey microtransit operators with dedicated fleet to operate multiple microtransit zones consistent with the adopted Envision My Ride Plan. FY 24 budget request covers initial software integration with CATS-Pass App ($35,000 estimated cost) plus the operation of up to four microtransit zones with up to seven dedicated vehicles ($2,212,021 estimated cost). Procurement process should allow for contract renewal and expansion of services annually consistent with approved operating budgets.



PSR # 1487

Route Restoration Plan

First/Last mile mobility solutions for low-income residents in disadvantaged neighborhoods and communities

Implementation of this project seeks to:

  • Prioritize and define implementation strategies for past recommendations for a robust, interconnected public transportation network that will combine high-frequency bus routes, expanded mobility hubs, and innovative on-demand first-mile and last-mile connections
  • Coordinate involvement of various communities throughout the service area, especially disadvantaged areas and human services
  • Refine recommendations on locations and typologies of mobility hubs and micro-transit zones
  • Develop recommendations around funding, technology, capital infrastructure, and partnerships that will assist CATS in achieving its near and long-term mobility vision.

PSR # 1467

Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model – Technical Support

The City of Charlotte, serving as Model Custodian of the Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model, is releasing this listing to engage a qualified firm for the purpose of technical support for the next update to the simplified tour-based Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model (MRM). The work may involve tasks including, but not limited to:
• Technical assistance and guidance in developing household travel surveys designed to capture tour-based travel, with the potential to supplement with big data.
• Technical assistance and guidance with tour model estimation using travel survey data.
• Technical assistance and guidance with tour model calibration and validation.
• Technical assistance and guidance in developing a tour-based mode choice model (to include coordination with and endorsement by Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) and FTA.
• Additional model development guidance and assistance as needed.

STS ADA Certification Assessment

The RFP has been updated and is being re-advertised. New RFP# 269-2022-017.

The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is seeking a Company to perform assessments of paratransit eligible applicants to use the CATS’ Services. The resources shall include but are not limited to management, personnel, supplies, and any other equipment needed to satisfy the requirements to conduct in-person ADA Services.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), CATS offers paratransit services to individuals who, because of a disability (physical, cognitive or visual), cannot access fixed routes buses. The ADA defines eligibility for complementary paratransit service in 49 CFR Section 37.123 of the federal regulations. CATS operates the paratransit system which is a pre-scheduled, shared-ride, origin to destination service.

The term “customer” shall refer to new CATS applicants and/or existing CATS clients. The term “CATS Transit System” shall refer to both CATS’ accessible fixed-route bus and CATS’ accessible light rail.

The Company shall be responsible for paratransit eligibility as it relates to an individual’s functional/cognitive ability to use CATS in accordance with the ADA. Disability alone does not determine paratransit eligibility; the decision is based on the customer’s functional ability to use the fixed-route bus and is not a medical decision.